Sunday, June 1, 2008

Let the bloggin' begin

So, I said to Peter that I wanted to begin a blog and he said to go for it and he would help me post. I need a name for this blog. He tells me he isn't feeling creative. Then he says "How about 'the 5 monkeys' or what about 'Four billy goats and Dad'? Are you writing this down?" So far, that hasn't been a lot of help. I can't wait to see his postings.

We are going to a ballet tonight with the girls. They promised that they would sit still.


Michelle said...

promised to sit still? let us know how that goes. :) i'm on a blogging vacation, so i'm in a read-only mode.

Gregory said...

I like the title you have now. I'm sure your posts will have much to offer. Way to go!

Merri said...

Y'all are so cute! Love the photo! Can't wait to read your blog!! I have one too if you would like to check it out sometime:

Stacy said...

I love reading everyone's blogs!! I haven't branched out to begin one, but I certainly will enjoy yours!! ;)