Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pulling Teeth
The next morning, we went to Pep Boys to get the tired replaced and we all had to go because the trailer was jacked up and we weren't able to go inside. I hadn't even dressed the kids yet... I was bored waiting for the tire and asked Hannah (in her fuzzy jammies) to come sit in the front seat with me so I could wiggle her tooth. I was hoping to pull it because I needed some extra excitement! I thought her squeeling may be bothering other customers so we went out to the 4-wheelers and sat on the curb. She yelled and screamed, cried and laughed, spit and spat and then I did it!
The tire is fixed and on the camper now ... but getting Peter to go camping with me again may be as difficult as pulling teeth.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Much Needed Vacation
We visited Peter's parents last week in Georgia and took the kids to Chattanooga to play at the waterfront park. The next day we decided to return to visit the Chattanooga Choo Choo because Stone is very much fixated with trains. HE LOVED IT!! It was so cute to see his grin as we rode the trolley on the grounds. We will have to return and do it again because the kids loved it. At Christmas, Santa's elves tuck you in at night if you stay in the hotels or train cars. Hannah has told be all about it!
Stone learned to ride a bicycle at their house too -- it is so funny because he is barely 2!! He thinks he is something!
Hannah read for 5 hours so far this summer and earned a "gold" medal. She is thrilled. Alot of the reading occurred on vacation as well. She will begin swim lessons this week. She swims crazy dog paddling style. She makes it across the olympic size pool but looks like she is drowning the whole way! I hope these lessons help.
Lauren has the cutest tan lines on her bottom. I love it! And her smiles and curls can take your breath away. She says, "You are my best mom ever."
Now, we are planning a funfilled weekend at the beach this 4th of July weekend. Maybe even go to some plantations near the house.
Tonight we went to help construct the interior of our church plant's newly leased facility. Now it is time for bed!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Growing up in the 1980's: The Best and the Worst

The Worst…I should have bought stock in aerosol hair spray. Any of you girls remember twist-a-beads? High top Reebok aerobic shoes (with the 2 velcro straps) with leg warmers and a long sweeter? I loved the acid washed Guess jeans with tapered legs. And if they weren’t tapered enough then we’d tight roll them ourselves. Neon colors and jelly shoes.
The Best…Parachute pants, which I’m waiting to come back into style. We used to wear them to slide down the grass hill at the Dalton High football stadium. Other than that maybe the red Coca-Cola rugby shirts that were such a big hit.
Pop Culture.
The Worst…My sister, yes that’s Carrie Hyatt Hulsey, must have had 200 posters of Kirk Cameron on her walls she got out of teen magazines.
The Best…Carrie redeemed herself by playing the Go-Go’s on a 45 record player and introducing me to songs such as Drivin’ n’ Cryin’s “Catch the Wind” and R.E.M.’s “Superman”. I’ve also got to throw in here Pac-Man and all video arcade games. My dad ran an arcade game business where he rented the big arcades to restaurants (such as Godfather’s Pizza), bowling alleys, roller skating rinks (such as the Roller Disco), and places in the mall (such as Time Out). Often times when the games were being repaired they would be stored in our basement. Once they were fixed every kid in the neighborhood would be over playing Space Invaders, Galaga, Frogger, and Centipede. The spinning ball on Centipede always pinched my hand.
The Worst…Gosh, where do I begin? Wham, Madonna, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Belinda Carlisle, Olivia Newton John, New Kids On The Block, Hall and Oates, Kenny Loggins, George Michael, Lionel Richie, Cyndi Lauper, Boy George, Pet Shop Boys, Bon Jovi, Duran Duran, and Def Leppard. Some of you love Duran Duran, don’t lie.
The Best…Michael Jackson. You know you loved him. We all did. Kids could be seen moon walking to the bathroom at school. One girl in my class used to wear one white glove. And remember that cool red and black leather jacket he wore? Others groups are the Pixies, the Smiths, ZZ Top, The Bangles, John Mellencamp, and Midnight Oil. Some maybes could be Huey Lewis and the News, Tina Turner, INXS, The Go-Gos, Run DMC, Guns-N-Roses, and Twister Sister (just kidding, although I can play We’re Not Gonna Take It on the guitar). Everyone loves U2. Back to the R.E.M. show I saw Saturday night with my good friend John Temples and his girlfriend. When music like Boy George was the norm, R.E.M. gave us a sound that no one else was producing. We all seemed to love Peter Buck’s guitar playing and the lyrics even though we couldn’t understand a thing Michael Stipe was singing. During the show Saturday night the band pulled out more of their 80’s tunes than I expected. They rocked out songs such as Driver 8, These Days, Pretty Persuasion, Gravities Pull, The One I Love, and many many more. They were definitely playing to a home town crowd that knows the old stuff. Thanks to R.E.M. for redeeming the 80’s and making Athens known for more than just Hershel Walker. Hershel made the 80’s all that much better too.
The Worst…My sister and her friends liked to watch Children of the Corn. I hated it. Dirty Dancing, sorry…didn’t like it. Flashdance? Gremlin’s? Nightmare on Elm St., Purple Rain, Teen Wolf, and Spaceballs.
The Best… Yall remember Police Academy? Hilarious! Footloose, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, A Christmas Story (Ralphie and the BB Gun), Blue Lagoon, The Breakfast Club, Caddyshack, Raising Arizona, Empires Strikes Back, E.T., We used to act out Rambo scenes in the woods next to my house, which got dangerous at times. What fun. Ghostbusters, Top Gun, and the Goonies. What about ROCKY IV!!!!!
The Worst…Miami Vice, Doogie Howser, Knight Rider
The Best…The A-Team, CHIPS, Cheers, Growing Pains, Family Ties, Saved by the Bell, and the Dukes of Hazard!!!! Friends and I would fight over who was going to play Bo, Luke, Cooter, and Enos. We’d peel out our big wheels as if they were the General Lee.
Styles and fads from the 80’s started in California then moved to the east coast (Georgia) and then finally made it to the middle of the country to states like Louisiana. How do I know this? Because I was looking at Tanya’s pictures from growing up in Louisiana and said, “Wow, that must have been from the 80’s”. She responded with a laugh, “No, that was 1994”. Ha!
I know I left something fun out. Please feel free to add in your favorite 1980’s memories.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I hate good-byes.

Front: Wyatt, Lauren, Hannah, Elena, Graham.
Back: Christina, Tanya, Peter, Stone, Greg
We met Greg and Christina in 2006 shortly after moving to Charleston. We all attended a "Shepherding the Staff" conference and soon found out that our children are very close in age. Play dates began and we quickly helped one another with childcare trade-offs for doctor visits, school meetings, hair appointments, etc. The children LOVE each other. Christina and I had long phone conversations while our children napped and we folded laundry and cleaned house. It was nice to have a family that lived so close and we shared so much in common -- Greg was also a minister in Charleston. In October 2008, I started back to work full-time and so the play dates were few and far between. Christina made sure that the girls were able to play together in spite of my schedule and Lauren and Wyatt went to "school" MMO together on TuTh. Now they are leaving to pursue another ministry opportunity 2 1/2 hours away. That's not too bad. There will be no goodbyes. I hate goodbyes. See you later, Pittmans. We love you.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Max's Dog Diet

We got Max from the pound at the end of March and he was 4 lbs overweight when I took him for his first vet visit. Obviously the pound just kept food out all day and he loved it. I started to monitor his diet. THEN >>> I took Max to the vet about 4 weeks ago and they told me he injured his back because he was overweight and needed to lose 6 lbs. Well, he only weighs like 23 lbs so that's a HUGE percent of his total weight that must go!! I was on a mission! I decided that I too would be on a "dog diet" because I could not bear to see him hungry but it would lessen the pain if we were on the journey together -- misery loves company. I quit all snacking and quit drinking real cokes. Well, we were miserable all right. In the first 2 weeks, I lost 4 lbs and Max lost 0.8 lbs. Now after 4 weeks, I have lost 7 pounds and he gained back 0.4 lbs. for a total loss of 0.4 lbs. I am frustrated!! He has become a thief stealing food from the kids to make up for the missed calories from my strict diet that I have him on -- 1/3 cup dog food in AM and 1/3 cup in PM. He can have a few raw carrots or unsalted green beans if he dances a lot and begs -- I usually give in. Well, I hope the next month will be better!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Tribute to My Dad

I love my Dad. He is such an inspiration to me. He has made the best of bad situations -- whether given them or chosen them. I feel it fitting to celebrate his life this weekend. Tomorrow is Father's Day and I will be busy celebrating the day with my husband and children since we live far from family. Things my dad has taught me...
I love you dad and hope you have a wonderful Father's Day!
AFRICA DAY 9 & almost DAY 10 (actually it is DAY 10 there already)
Kids Pictures by Lauren Elisabeth D.

Lauren, one of Peter's interns, photographed our family last month. I think she did an excellent job! Peter and his dad were painting the house so we borrowed our neighbors backyard and then took pics in the neighborhood. We had a blast! Children are so fun.
For most of the pictures of ...
Lauren, I threatened to spank her if she didn't smile.
Friday, June 13, 2008
AFRICA DAY 8 ...under a mango tree.
I am so grateful that Peter had this opportunity to serve Senegal alongside these college students. What an incredible experience. Peter describes it as "phenomenal."
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What's that daddy doing?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
too much to write ... too little time
Sunday, June 8, 2008
AFRICA DAY 3 -- wrestling Africans
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Kids Quotes --taken from facebook page
.:"Hey Dad! I just found a penny back here. Now, can we go to Disney World?" 6 yr old Hannah (in the car) after being told Disney World is expensive and we won't be going anytime soon.
.:"Is she the one with the sparkly pimple?" 5 year old Hannah replied when asked if she remembers Paige Orman. (Paige has a nose ring a.k.a. sparkly pimple!)
.:"Mom, smell this perfume. It's really tough," Hannah said meaning strong.
.:Our pastor was speaking and made the statement, "God is eternal." Hannah, age 5 1/2, was sitting on the floor beside me at church. She looked up and smiled shaking her head, "That's funny. God is a turtle?"
.:"Ohhh. You squished his grits out," after I squished a bug.
.:"Mommy, he must be smoking so he can go to Heaven," says 4 yr old Hannah to me after I told her that smoking kills you and you shouldn't try it.
.:"Look! Where did Hannah get this chicken pull-up?" Lauren referring to a pull-up with tweety bird on the front.
.:"Mommy, we is lost. You making lost turns. We is lost." My reply was that we were not lost. "WE IS LOST! WE NEED TO CALL JESUS." I started laughing. "or maybe call meh-wee (Mary)." Lauren on the way to the movies -- almost 3.
.:"Mom, Stoney pee-peed in my bed and I sat in it and now I am all wet!" Lauren tells us after she woke from a nap where I forgot to put a pull-up on her.
.:"This is my bunny bunny." meaning belly button.
.:"Chicken Bess, you need make Stoney better," speaking to Dr. Kisabeth, our pediatrician.
.:"Wrap my bed up" meaning... make my bed.
.:"Mama, you dumb?" meaning... are you done?
.:"This is my baby soup" referring to her bathing suit.
.:"Hey Toe!" says 2 yr old Lauren to little brother Stone.
.:"Hissy mean!" says 2 yr old Lauren to big sissy Hannah.
I love playing with Stone and asking him questions...Where is Stone? He responds with arms up shaking his head, "I don't know." EVERYTHING is either I don't know or NO!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hannah's kindergarten graduation
Also Peter took the camera with him so I can't download any pics. He is to arrive by 11:40 our time on Saturday. I am praying for a safe arrival.
"My Mom" by Hannah
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Africa...3 blocks from outer space

Back to earth...Dakar, Senegal is on the west coast of Africa, just a short 8.5 hour plane ride from Atlanta. We will be working with the Lebou (Lay-Boo) people. There are about 150,000 Lebou along the coast of Senegal with only about 20 to 25 who are Christ followers. We will be partnering with IMB missionaries with half of our team working in medical clinics. The other half of us who puke at the sight of blood will be going village to village on the coast visiting with these wonderful people hoping to tell them of a man born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.
Psalm 67:4-5 says, “May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the people praise you.”
We desire for the Lebou people to worship Jesus. So we are going to get to know them, love them, and serve them. Thanks for your prayers.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Piccolo-Spoleto Festival

A year later, I packed up Hannah, Lauren, and Stone in a wagon and headed to the Children's Festival -- with my mother-in-law Nancy and her mother Nana. We had a blast watching the marching band, getting our faces painted, and riding ponies. I locked my keys in the car in the chaos of unloading 3 children. We had fun anyway.
We loved it. We tried to leave before the last performance began and the girls refused. It was wonderful! The kids were fantastic. We drew a lot of smiles and attention -- being the only couple with children at the event. Stone missed out with this one (at home in bed) ... just as he did with the first one in 2006!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Let the bloggin' begin
We are going to a ballet tonight with the girls. They promised that they would sit still.